#!/bin/csh #PBS -l walltime={{ time }} #PBS -l ncpus={{ ncpus }} #PBS -o {{ name }}.obj #PBS -joe #PBS -m bea #PBS -M {{ email }} set name = {{ name }} set base = $HOME{% if internal %}/chemtools{% endif %} # Make the module command available source /usr/share/modules/init/csh set echo # Load the gaussian module module load gaussian09 # Copy the input files to the scratch directory. # The scratch directory offers large capacity and high performance, # HOWEVER: it is not permanent storage and may be removed automatically # when the job ends. cp $base/$name.gjf $SCRATCH # move to the scratch directory cd $SCRATCH # Define OMP_NUM_THREADS setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 16 # Use SCRATCH_RAMDISK for intermediate files setenv GAUSS_SCRDIR $SCRATCH_RAMDISK # Execute Gaussian 09, writing the output files in the scratch directory. # Use omplace to run the job set gaussian = `which g09` set formchk = `which formchk` omplace -nt $OMP_NUM_THREADS $gaussian < $name.gjf >& $name.log $formchk $name.chk $name.fchk mkdir -p $base/done/ cp $name.* $base/done/